Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Open doors on Sunday, but no open doors yet for the August Prayer Room

Were you there on Sunday at St Botolphs at the Colchester Celebration?

Colchester Boiler Room Community had a display stand there promoting the upcoming prayer room (5 - 12 August see post below), and the mission to Pula, Croatia (see previous post). That was another good chance to meet new people and tell them Colchester Boiler Room Community.

During the service we heard word that we stand at an open door in Colchester (based on 1 Corinthians 16:9). That it is time to work together to take opportunities that are presented.

There was also a time of prayer for God's kingdom to come in Colchester, prayed together with Councillors and MPs. And we then pledged to work towards God's kingdom together. It seemed like a very significant step, and now the challenge is to live out our pledge.

I am trying to act upon this time of opportunity by securing a prayer room venue for 5 - 12 August. However, the doors are not opening yet, and I feel abit discouraged. However Terry Tennens sent out the prayer below and this has encouraged me. Please pray for the right venue to be shown to us.

What can separate us from the love of God?
Can sickness or death?
No nothing can separate us from the love of God

Can war or danger?
No nothing can separate us from the love of God

Can sadness or despair?
No nothing can separate us from the love of God

Can the nuclear bomb or the end of the world?
No nothing can separate us from the love of God

Can failure and dejection?
No nothing can separate us from the love of God

Can loneliness or fear?
No nothing can separate us from the love of God


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