Monday, September 11, 2006

Town Centre Night Walk

Four people met outside Colchester Baptist Curch, Eld Lane on Friday 8th Sept. We prayed and then began to walk the town centre streets continuing to pray and meet with people in need of help or a chat. I found it particularly heart breaking to pray at a site where an addict took an overdose of heroin and died. That was at the top of at stairwell at St Mary's Car-park. I felt an eery uncomfortable presence like I wanted to scream. I have realised even more of the urgency to preach Christ Jesus as the Saviour of all people. No-one is unreachable and something must be done to fill the aching gap of so many people's hearts.

Personally, Friday night was a night to watch people and situations. I found myself constantly asking the question, 'What can be done here?'

If you have a burning desire to develop a Holy Spirit filled presence of Jesus Christ's disciples on the town centre streets during a weekend night or any other night where most needed, I want to hear from you. I would really like to do something in collaboration with the Police and or other civic services to pray for people and meet their practical needs.

Please e-mail us or post a comment

Many thanks

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