Wednesday, May 23, 2007

News from Joe and Walk Cumbria

Thanks to everyone who supported me in prayer whilst on WalkCumbria last week with Through Faith Missions.

It was an awesomeweek and Satan was injured. Many came to Christ and a lot more have been told that they are loved by God. Unity was growing between the churches and they have a fire in their belly now for evangilism.

Colchester could really do with inviting Through Faith Missions tocome and help out with mission here - its inspiring. Check out thelinks for what happened in Walk Cumbria and what Through FaithMissions is about:

They only work and get involved when local churches invite them along.

Going on the Walk was excellent and you really learn firsthand about bold but gentle evangelism. Next big mission is Walk Swansea Valley in September 2008 but there are shorter/smaller missions in the meantime.

God Bless,Joe

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