Monday, July 21, 2008

Hope on the Streets prayer and fasting day

Some info from Aaron on prayer for the Hope on the Streets day;

Hi guys,

We are holding a half day of prayer and fasting in preparation for hope 08.

Saturday 16th august at Orchard baptist church (Mersea Road) between 10amand 4pm.

The day will begin with some quiet meditation followed by a time ofworship, we will then spend a few hours praying for the differant areasincluded in hope. we will then spend some time in open prayer and willconclude with a time of sharing anything God has laid on our heartsfollowed by a final time of worship. There will be a break around 12:30 sopeople can grab a drink. (we will provide drinks)

please let me know if you can make it.

p.s. you do not have to stay for the whole day.

God bless. Yours in Christ,
Aaron Campbell

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