Monday, December 03, 2007

Colchester at 24-7 UK Network Day

On Saturday Jean, Mike, Katy and I got up too early.

But we were full of excitement because we went to Reading to meet up with other people who do 24-7 Prayer from around the UK. (here's some picture of them...)
It was inspiring to hear stories of how God is leading people to pray and live out their prayers across the UK.
I especially remember stories from Matt and Ali from Cornwall who have an amazing calling to pray and do Chritian community amongst surfer people. And we had an amazing time standing alongside and praying for the pioneers from Reading who are once again stepping forward into 24-7 prayer.
I was very encouraged, again, to share and pray with James. He heads up Boiler Room Community in Egham.

Jean reflected that the most important message she carried away from the day was about community. The need for community. The fact that we are all part of community in some way. And also some trepidation for the young 24-7 communities that are starting.

Mike was again please to be amongst the 24-7 "family" and was encouraged by it. He was also excited to hear of the vision for mission to be led by each local 24-7 prayer community, rather than a central office. And to see this happening already....even in his own life!
There was a time of prayer for the different locations represented, and during this a time of prayer for Colchester. I remember two words being given in particular;
One was a picture of a town surrounded by a wall. And out of gaps in the wall came arrows. And these arrows were very directed and very effective.
Another was a prayer for Essex Men. And a prayer for redemption of Essex Men. That their talents for entrepreneurism, energy, doing new things and telling others would be redeemed and used for God's kingdom.
with excitement,

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