Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Reflecting and looking ahead

What an awesome time we had during the 24/7 prayer week 5 - 12 August! It really exceeding my hopes and my imagination.

Thank God that we were provided with the venue, and with the planning team, and with the people to come and pray.

How wonderful it was to meet new people, read and hear other people's prayers, and to spend time with God in the prayer room. How amazing that people that don't usually do church came friend of mine came and added prayers for the Hythe and commented that there was a really good spirit in the prayer room. And what an exciting time of mission that we had on Friday night....feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, providing shelter, praying with people on the street and giving out the good news....

I am missing the prayer room. Perhaps grieving abit. And also overwhelmed by possibilities for the future with so many interested people....

Here's a date for future action....23 and 24 September we'll be running a prayer room with Journey into Wholeness. Keep it free and sign up for a slot when it's publicised.

And we'd really like to get a regular prayer and street mission time going on a Friday watch this space.

love Richard

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