Thursday, December 20, 2012

Joining in with Colchester Boiler Room Community in December and January

Here are some of our activities together in December and January;

Carol Singing around the neighbourhood, with mince pies and Christmas stories afterwards.
Sunday 23 December 3pm at 170 Berechurch Road.

Carols and Christmas stories and prayer on Christmas Day 10.30 - 11.30 at 170 Berechurch Rd.
Children can bring your new toys to show us..
No prayer gathering after Christmas Day until Sunday 6 January.

Sunday 6 January - Prayer Pilgrimage to different homes.  Meet 12 noon at 170 Berechurch Road.

Saturdays 12, 19 and 26 January Prayer Room open 12noon - 12 midnight.  4pm gathered prayer. 5pm shared teatime.

Sunday 20 January 6pm for 6.30pm Abbeyfield Community Project Annual Service, St Stephens Church Centre, Canterbury Road.

Look out for an allotment session in January...!