Thursday, December 20, 2012

Joining in with Colchester Boiler Room Community in December and January

Here are some of our activities together in December and January;

Carol Singing around the neighbourhood, with mince pies and Christmas stories afterwards.
Sunday 23 December 3pm at 170 Berechurch Road.

Carols and Christmas stories and prayer on Christmas Day 10.30 - 11.30 at 170 Berechurch Rd.
Children can bring your new toys to show us..
No prayer gathering after Christmas Day until Sunday 6 January.

Sunday 6 January - Prayer Pilgrimage to different homes.  Meet 12 noon at 170 Berechurch Road.

Saturdays 12, 19 and 26 January Prayer Room open 12noon - 12 midnight.  4pm gathered prayer. 5pm shared teatime.

Sunday 20 January 6pm for 6.30pm Abbeyfield Community Project Annual Service, St Stephens Church Centre, Canterbury Road.

Look out for an allotment session in January...!

Saturday, September 01, 2012

September with Colchester Boiler Room Community

Coming up in September, in addition to our regular weekday prayer times...

Messy Church in Circus Square Sunday 2 September 2 - 3.30pm

Boiler Room meal at 170 Berechurch Road 12 noon Sunday 9 September.  God Story for adults and kids, worship and prayer, and lunch together.

Prayer for our neighbourhoods Prayer Room, Friday 14 September 10pm - Sat 15 September midnight.  Prayer together at Fri 10pm and Sat 8pm.  Book a prayer slot by emailing

Boiler Room meal at 170 Berechurch Road 12 noon Sunday 23 September. God Story for adults and kids, worship and prayer, and lunch together.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Latest news from Colchester Boiler Room Community

If you'd like to see hear some stories and thoughts from Colchester Boiler Room Community, here's film Steve and Tina made for our recent Annual Meeting;

August Activities

Coming up with Colchester Boiler Room Community....

Sunday 5 August Messy Church (for children and families), Circus Square  2pm - 3.30pm

Saturday 11 August Sports Day with Abbeyfield Community Project 2pm - 5pm Abbey Field

Friday 17 August 8pm - 12midnight  Prayer for Muslim People at 170 Berechurch Road

Wednesday 3pm allotment and prayer.  Otherwise, we're having break from scheduled prayer and activities during August

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Weekly meetings in April

This Saturday 14 April is our monthly prayer room night. Tea together from 5pm at 170 Berechurch Road. Then take a slot in the prayer room, open until midnight.
There's no Sunday meeting on Sunday 15 April.
God Story, prayer and worship, Kid's God Story and Sunday lunch together on Sunday 22 April from 12noon at 170 Berechurch Road.
No Sunday meeting on Sunday 29 April.
Monday noon prayer, Thursday 1pm prayer and Wednesday 6.30am prayer continue every week.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Easter update

Here's some times to connect with Colchester Boiler Room Community;
Messy Church Good Friday 2pm for children and families. Easter story, egg hunt, prayer and more! at 170 Berechurch Road.
Passover meal and Passion of the Christ film, Good Friday from 7pm at 170 Berechurch Road.
Easter Day beach trip and brunch. Meet 10am at Jim and Liz's house, West Mersea. Lifts from 170 Berechurch Road at 9.30am.
Next Prayer Room Saturday 14 April, with tea from 5pm.....

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Changes to prayer and meeting rhythm over the next couple of weeks

Due to people being away;

There's no Monday prayer for the nations until Monday 26 March.

No Thursday prayer on 15 March. Thursday prayer is now at 1pm from 22 March onwards.

There is Boiler Room meal at 170 Berechurch Road at noon on Sunday 11 March.

On Sunday 18 March there is lunch together at Antoinette's.

The next Saturday prayer room is Sat 24 March.