Saturday, February 20, 2010

Boiler Room meal cancelled Sunday 21 Feb 2010


There's no Boiler Room meal tomorrow, Sunday 21 February, because Richard is ill.

Sorry to cancel.

Boiler Room meal recommences next Sunday 28 February at 170 Berechurch Road.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Creativity in prayer room

The prayer room was open for 24 hours last Saturday/ Sunday.

Friends from all over Colchester helped carry the prayer. and we saw some inspiring creativity in the prayer room....

Boiler Room meal and noon prayer latest news.

Boiler Room meals continue, every Sunday, starting with noon prayer, followed by lunch, at 170 Berechurch Road.

(There's no noon prayer at 170 Berechurch Road Monday 15 Feb - Wednesday 17 Feb inclusive. Noon prayer starts again Thursday 18 Feb.)